Puppet can describe dependencies between components, define the proper state of a file, query the state of the system, and more. Puppet可以描述组件之间的依赖关系、定义文件的正确状态、查询系统的状态等等。
Many believe Mr Putin is trying to carve a viable puppet state out of Ukraine. 许多人相信,普京试图在乌克兰建立一个能自我运作的傀儡国家。
By1932 Japan had established the puppet state of Manchukuo in China's northeast, and in1937 began a full-scale invasion of China. 到1932年,日本在中国东北建立了满洲里傀儡政权,从1937年起对中国发动全面侵略。
Analysis of Modern Finance of Sichuan Rural Area in Nanjing Puppet State 南京国民政府时期四川农村的现代化金融探析
In1932, present-day Heilongjiang became part of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo. 1932年,黑龙江成为日本傀儡政权&伪满洲国的一部分。
After seizing the northern provinces of that country in 1931 and organizing them into the puppet state of Manchukuo, Japan had tried to protect its rich loot and to expand its influence in China by a series of interventions, particularly in the rest of northern China. 在1931年侵占东北三省,建立伪满政权以后,日本试图保持疯狂掠夺的势头,并通过一系列的干预活动扩大在中国,尤其是在北方其它地区的影响。
During the occupation, Tianjin was ruled by the North China Executive Committee, a puppet state based in Beijing. 在沦陷时,天津由一个北京的傀儡政权&华北自治委员会管辖。
Popular sentiment was vastly anti-Japanese from the moment they established the puppet state of Manchuria. 自从日本人在满洲建立傀儡政权,民众的主流情感就一直是反日的。
Investigation of the Periodical Youth Culture in Puppet Manchuria State 伪满洲国时期《青年文化》杂志考述
The Foundation Japanese Puppet Regime's State in Manchuria and "Sept.18" Incident 九·一八事变与满洲国的建立
One peak appeared in the planned migration period after 1949, and the other is the migratory people of the Puppet Manchuria State. 人口增加最高峰出现在1949年后的计划移民时期,伪满时期的流民则构成了研究区近百年另一个显著的移民高潮;
Spread of True Stories, Secret Stories, and Mysterious Stories& The Case of the Kylin Magazine in the Puppet Manchu State 实话·秘话·谜话的传播&以伪满洲国时期的《麒麟》杂志为中心
On the Formation of the Combination Strategy of Japanese Endurable War and Establishing Puppet State Power 试论日本持久战与建立傀儡政权结合方针的形成
It excerpts many documents including the credential between Song and Jin at the end of north Song Dynasty and the Jin perished the Liao, destroyed the Song, and founded a puppet state of Qi and Chu. 它辑录了北宋末年宋和金互相往来的国书以及金灭辽、破宋,建立了楚、齐傀儡政权的文件。
IN 1932 Japan invaded Northeast China and made it the so-called Puppet Manchu State. Missionary work of Shinto during pseudo-Manchukuo period 1932年日本在中国东北炮制了伪满洲国。伪满洲国的惟神之道
Japanese Puppet Regime in force in the substance of education is neither assimilation of education, more education is not indoctrination, but rather spend their national spirit and the concept of state and train services to the Japanese colonial rule of enslaving education tool. 日伪所施行的教育的实质是淡化民族精神和国家观念、培养为日寇殖民统治服务工具的奴化教育,最终目的是为了彻底征服中国。
Later it propped up and made use of a puppet state of Manchuria, and colonized the northeast in all aspects of military affaires, politics, economics, culture and so on. 之后扶植并利用伪满洲国傀儡政府,开始了对东北地区军事、政治、经济、文化等全方位的殖民。